Самый короткий путь к сердцу мужчины - это шесть дюймов хорошо заточеной стали между ребер! (с)
Name: Boy x Angel
Japanese Title: 少年x天使
Alternate Title: Shounen x Tenshi
Author: Kuromame (クロマメ.)
Type: Hard yaoi
Genre: Gender bender, comedy, porn
Found In: Ero Shota vol. 9: Seifuku x Seifuku x Otoko no Ko - anthology
Summary: A teacher catches himself an “angel” that has more to her than meets the eye.
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Name: Boy x Angel
Japanese Title: 少年x天使
Alternate Title: Shounen x Tenshi
Author: Kuromame (クロマメ.)
Type: Hard yaoi
Genre: Gender bender, comedy, porn
Found In: Ero Shota vol. 9: Seifuku x Seifuku x Otoko no Ko - anthology
Summary: A teacher catches himself an “angel” that has more to her than meets the eye.
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Download: sendspace
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